HANGAR.org / Emilia Coranty 16 / Can Ricart E-08018 / Barcelona / ES.
29 July 2016
Polivalents is an annual one-day session programmed and presented by the resident artists of Hangar center of artistic production, featuring activities by the resident artists alongside other invited artists.
For MONTACARGAS, the 2016 edition of Polivalents, we present the theme of ascension as farce, elevation and levitation. Movements generated through creativity, adaptation, improvisation & humor to explore possibilities to reboot ourselves. Lets discover if it’s still possible to be lifted to alternate & parallel places?
Invited Artists: Martin Llavaneras / Diego Paonessa / Res Ingold / Erin Coates / Laia Estruch / Salvador Giralt / Clara Garí / Jordi Corominas / Nerea Arrojeria y Guillermo Fernández / Samantha Gibson / Lluc Baños Aixalà / Heloïse Mondancin / Hamaca / Núria Marqués / Tatiana Muñoz Melo / Giuliana Racco y Matteo Guidi
Sound Projects: Noisescapists / Iván Paz / Ángel Faraldo / Luis Tabuenca / Rubén Patiño (N.M.O) / Dos Piedras / Sergi Botella / Wunderkammer / Olaf Hund / The Dancing Hole
Resident Artists: Megan Michalak / Ariadna Guiteras / Andrea Gómez / Marco Noris / Christina Schultz / Antonio R. Montesinos / Ciprian Homorodean / Ali Yerdel / Rafael Pérez Evans / Alejandra Avilés / Paco Chanivet / Patricia Fernández Antón / Patricio Rivera / Florian Freier / David Franklin / Eliana Beltrán / Tuba Öztekin Köymen
Existence, on the contrary, requires interaction, communication, connections… These processes create flexible and functional structures where it’s possible to develop multifaceted insight and diverse angles of approach. The complex mechanisms that regulate human nature and the universe itself operate in unison, unable to exist one without the other regardless of how they manifest.
Regrettably, our society appears to engage in fragmentary thinking more often than not, halting the natural fluidity which distinguishes an open mind.
Montacargas centers on the dysfunctional consequences of this process, on obstacles that infringe our horizon and maintain our awareness in a state of latency, frozen, horizontal, flat. Montacargas, which translates as “freight elevator”, wishes to reintroduce verticality into the game.
Rising through creativity, innovation, improvisation, and humor may be the only way to restart the natural mechanisms that command human existence. Perhaps it’s still possible to be lifted to a higher place.