Moments in the Life of a Cat Named Caramel

“A cat in a box is not an unusual sight. Put a box out, the cat will jump in, to play or to hide for a nap, depending on its mood. Although cats appear aimless most of the time, their behavior is not random at all. Both domestic and feral […]

2024-12-10T12:48:57+00:00August 21st, 2017|Categories: WORKS|

POLIVALENTES #8 “De Profvndis” – Barcelona ES / Emilia Coranty 16 / Can Ricart E-08018 / Barcelona / ES.
31 de Julio 2015

A les Sessions Polivalents 2015 hi participen els següents artistes residents: Giuliana Racco/Matteo Guidi, Mario Santamaría, Marc Serra, Lucía C. Pino, Germán Portal, Diego Paonessa, Ariadna Guiteras, Andrea Gómez, Marco Noris, Christina Schultz, Antonio […]

2020-01-21T20:05:46+00:00July 31st, 2015|Categories: GROUPSHOW, UNCLASSIFIED, WORKS|


All games are for entertainment and amusement but on a level they carry a symbolic meaning.
Pitching pennies on the surface seems a pleasant activity but looking just below is a formal training for a rude logic of pure capitalism, you play to beat your opponents into bankruptcy. […]

2020-01-21T20:05:47+00:00February 25th, 2014|Categories: UNDERWORK, WORKS|

Lupii din Carpati

“Lupii din Carpati was originally presented in Charleroi. The city is famous as the former capital of a Belgian region known as “Black Country” because of its important role in the mining and metallurgy industry. Over the last decades, abandoned factories and growing unemployment rates have come to dominate the […]

2020-01-21T20:05:55+00:00November 21st, 2007|Categories: UNDERWORK, WORKS|

The Spirit of the 70’s in my neighborhood.

The communist regime of Nicolae Ceaușescu issued Decree 770, aimed at the creation of a new and large Romanian population by restricting abortion and contraception.

To enforce the decree, society was strictly controlled. Contraceptives disappeared from the shelves and all women were forced to be monitored monthly by a gynecologist. Any […]

2020-01-21T20:05:58+00:00October 7th, 2001|Categories: WORKS|
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